Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Buh bye hairs!

When my oncologist said 2 weeks it really was 2 weeks. I mean on the dot. To the hour, probably to the minute. I thought I might be one of the lucky ones that doesn't lose their hair. Guess not!

A very strange side note... you lose your pubic and underarm hair first. Freaky eh? I won't show that part....

These are from my last day with hair.

If you're wondering how your hair falls out during chemo; it falls out in huge chunks. The hair isn't attached to anything anymore so it makes these little popping noises when it comes out of your scalp. It doesn't hurt... it sorta feels good honestly. I took a picture of a handful that came out when I ran my fingers through my hair.

A picture of Adam and I (he hates this picture of himself btw) is in the bathroom minutes before Adam buzzed my hair short. IMG_0299

My previously stellar mane of hair now on the bathroom tile... :( IMG_0302

But yeh know, I have to make an empowered face, because shit, I preemptively got rid of my hair! I like to think by shaving my head meant it was my choice when to lose my hair. It didn't really make me feel any better in the long run, but the actual shaving part was totally entertaining. IMG_0303

The next my hair was completely gone. We used duct tape to get the little stragglers off later. I'm obviously more bummed in that picture all hairless and lame... IMG_0311

but oh look, WIGS! Eff yeah! Looking sick sucks, people stare at you and tell you about their aunt that died. I'd just as soon not hear any of that so I chose to wear wigs. They're itchy but it's kinda fun because you can have an identity crisis every day! IMG_0290

And thus concludes the loss of my hair on round one of chemotherapy. She's a saucy mistress that chemo one day I hope to slap her in the face for all the heartache she's caused.


  1. I just LOVE hearing about dead aunts...people really know what to say, don't they.

  2. You look stunning and I can't lie: I am jealous of Adam. Though I suppose Adam earned you by being himself, and learning how to be someone worth a person like you's time would befit me more than jealousy. It is the jealousy itself that makes us distinct. Know that whatever challenges have come your way, at least one is envious of your blessings.
