Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Illustrated party bummer

I do try and stay positive, and most of the time I am successful. It's been a long road this past year and I am still figuring out the new normal and the new me. One of the side effects of chemotherapy was rapid weight gain. I gained 19 lbs over the course of the last 4 months on Taxol. Nothing fits and I am pretty miserable. I don't recognize myself and I think my butt may have registered with Los Angeles county for its own zip code. It's difficult to go through such an emotionally and physically challenging ordeal such as cancer without the additional muffin-tops. Funnily enough my sense of pride and vanity is mostly related to the chub factor. I've always been a thin person and I am now officially (according to my BMI) overweight. It's embarrassing and even though I have an excellent excuses as to why I've become fat, it causes me almost more grief than missing a breast or having no hair.

My cats have taken to trying to hibernate in my squishy fatness when I get out of the shower. The combination of warm pudgy smell good pillow people is too much for my cats to resist. When I get up in the morning I am covered in kitties.... ain't right I tell you!

Here... have a picture.

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