Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Beginning of the end

So, I'm almost done with treatment! I just had the first of my last infusions today. I have 2 left after today. I'll be done on the 15th. I'm so... happy? I mean I am happy, but its weird to think I just wait now... for it to come back- for it not to come back. I don't think that feeling of impending doom is ever going to let up.

Also my oncologist agreed to give me MRI's now. I am happy about that, they take longer but they're not radiation. I have been reading a lot of studies about the over prescribed usage of CAT scans and linking them to cancer. It's a giant freaking x-ray... we know that's not good. Considering everything. I'd like to not turn into Chernobyl anytime soon.

I've decided to put together a charity art show for sarcoma research (sorry BC ladies) I got a missing boobie but sarcoma is an underfunded under-loved area of cancer research, and it's what I have. My oncologists eyes light up like flashbulbs... he was telling me about tax codes for charities, guest lists and that he wanted to give a speech and buy art. RIGHT ON! I figure I need to do SOMETHING in appreciation of not dying. I'll make a boatload of cash for research and patient care. I have a LOT of friends in the industry (more famous than myself)... I need help coming up with a theme for the show. I want the different styles of art to have a common theme.

Aside from that I think I might teach an art therapy class. Being creative is a great way to unload some of the fears you have roiling around your brain.

I think nude modeling would be cool too... got body issues? What better way to get over them than to show them to a bunch of discerning art students? I think it would have been neat to draw a cancer patient in life drawing when I was in school. So much I wanna do now that I am nearly done with cancer treatment.

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