Monday, December 14, 2009

Last day of chemo. Breast reconstruction?

I'm done tomorrow! Hopefully forever. I've made 2 cakes. One for the oncologist and one for the chemo nurses in the infusion room. I'm outta there.

New boobs time.

Well, It's nearly been a year since I've had my left breast cut off. I've endured 2 rounds of adiramycin, simple mastectomy to the left breast, 38 rounds of radiation, and 12 rounds of Taxol. If that doesn't beat the hell out of my angiosarcoma I'm not meant to live. If it comes back I'll chalk it up to inferior genetics, bad luck... and wander off into the Mojave desert to die. No joke.

I can get reconstruction (implant) in February. Huzzah! So here is my question... I've actually found very little information about implants post radiation. Evidently a lot of doctors say no. I understand that the musculature and skin is less elastic and has fibrous banding making implants do crazy things... from capsular contracture to actually being pushed through the chest wall (OMG!). I'd love to hear from anyone who's had the experience (good or bad) of implant reconstruction post radiation.

I really want to ditch the breast form. I also don't need more body drama... If its more trouble than it's worth I can wait 2 years for a TRAM flap... though honestly that sounds pretty nuts too.



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Beginning of the end

So, I'm almost done with treatment! I just had the first of my last infusions today. I have 2 left after today. I'll be done on the 15th. I'm so... happy? I mean I am happy, but its weird to think I just wait now... for it to come back- for it not to come back. I don't think that feeling of impending doom is ever going to let up.

Also my oncologist agreed to give me MRI's now. I am happy about that, they take longer but they're not radiation. I have been reading a lot of studies about the over prescribed usage of CAT scans and linking them to cancer. It's a giant freaking x-ray... we know that's not good. Considering everything. I'd like to not turn into Chernobyl anytime soon.

I've decided to put together a charity art show for sarcoma research (sorry BC ladies) I got a missing boobie but sarcoma is an underfunded under-loved area of cancer research, and it's what I have. My oncologists eyes light up like flashbulbs... he was telling me about tax codes for charities, guest lists and that he wanted to give a speech and buy art. RIGHT ON! I figure I need to do SOMETHING in appreciation of not dying. I'll make a boatload of cash for research and patient care. I have a LOT of friends in the industry (more famous than myself)... I need help coming up with a theme for the show. I want the different styles of art to have a common theme.

Aside from that I think I might teach an art therapy class. Being creative is a great way to unload some of the fears you have roiling around your brain.

I think nude modeling would be cool too... got body issues? What better way to get over them than to show them to a bunch of discerning art students? I think it would have been neat to draw a cancer patient in life drawing when I was in school. So much I wanna do now that I am nearly done with cancer treatment.